Saturday, February 4, 2012


Yesterday was a huge day for us!
huge, huge huge!
More happened yesterday than you know!

You see I had to keep a secret from  you and from others!
I am not good at keeping exciting secrets!
In fact I have to pretend I don't know anything in order to actually keep the secret!

But first I want to share with you about Abby!

Yesterday afternoon they did her bone marrow biopsy and her much needed dental work.
The extracted 3 teeth, placed 3 lovely silver crowns and 2 white crowns in her mouth.

When I saw her her mouth was twice it's normal size- ouch!
The poor dear had never had any dental cares- her mouth hurt big time!

The biopsy site only had gauze and a bandage over it. So thankful she was asleep during the process!

Abby was thrilled to go home!

And everyone was thrilled to see us... well kinda! They actually were more excited about their nerf guns and TV more than seeing us but we know somewhere deep inside they were doing the happy dance!!

Then of course there is Sam that had a strategy! 

His target was his unsuspecting big brother!

Who deflected the on coming bullet with his bare hand and wowwed all of us!!

Time to reload!

He worked quickly and fearlessly!

Okay... he left a little time to smile at his Momma!

Oh my... yes this is truly him!
Very very sneaky!

Better stop now Mom or you will be my next target!

Johnny has found a way to bond with his sisters! Yes that is Sarah, standing on JOhnny's back!


So on to the best part of the day! While we were at the hospital we met someone very special there!!
Uh huh!
Katie's boyfriend flew into town and asked to meet with us!

We would have loved to have gone out to lunch with him but I could not leave the hospital- so we met in the hospital cafeteria!

All the nurses, doctors, volunteers, you name it knew we were meeting him!
I pretended to not know why we were meeting...

Okay I lied... 
I told them what I suspected it may be about! ;-)

Andrew asked Hubby and I if he could marry our daughter!!!

Oh yes he did!!

We absolutely love him (and so does Katie), so we said YES!

He had things all planned out and that same evening purposed to Katie!!

Today we get to hear the details!!
They are coming over this afternoon!
YAY!! Can't wait!!

We are so excited for them!! 

Congratulations Andrew and Katie!!
We wish you a lifetime of happiness together!!
May God Bless Them!

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