Thursday, February 2, 2012

New and Better Way to Follow Blogs

Just a quick post to update you on a new way of following blogs. As I'm sure most of you know, Google is phasing out Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger blogs. The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if they phased it out for Blogger blogs some time down the road. So how are we all going to follow our favorite blogs now?

Roeshel, who you might know from her amazing site, The DIY Show Off, just shared an amazing new tool. It's called Linky Followers and it was created by the same man behind Linky Tools, Brent Riggs. You can add and categorize all the different blogs you love to follow. As you can see, I just added it to the right and there are so many nice features that I haven't really had time to play around with, but I wanted to share this with you and invite you all to follow me and add this great new tool to your blogs so your readers can follow you as well. Get your own Link Followers widget here.

Happy following!

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