Thursday, February 2, 2012

A post without a title...

I'm not quite sure how to title this post!

I could focus on yesterday.
It started as Anna and I were heading to her cleft appointment and as I backed out and I hit our sweet babysitters car...
I did...

Or I could tell you about the med students/ residents that were trying to fit a mirror in our little Anna's mouth to take a picture of her teeth. She did not like that one bit and all I could think about was, "really??? are you really trying to do that? I just about scooped her up and walked out! 
But thank goodness I didn't because some good did come out of it!

AND it was enjoyable spending some time with just her!
It's been awhile since just the two of us had lunch together and spent time together.

Then when we got home and the sitter left, one by one someone needed to have a good cry (and it wasn't me this time)!

Or I could focus on Monday coming home from the hospital with Sam- it was so good to get HOME!
I love HOME!
It was so great to see all the kids!
I love all the kids!

Our I could focus on Tuesday, when we finally got to do school together!
I love doing school with the children! 
They are learning so much!

But then by early afternoon I needed to leave again and go with Abby for a transfusion.
This time through charades I told Abby not to cry but to be a big girl. I also asked the Dr. office if we could be more efficient with the process. Lets get the transfusion going asap and get us home asap.
It turned out GREAT!
Not a tear was shed and we actually had some fun!! Played a game, read lots of stories, colored, practiced words in English, a little TV and some snacks!
We arrived back 5 hours later instead of 8 and we even beat Daddy getting home!

Or I could focus on today!
It was glorious!
We did school and it went very well!,
SAM POOPED IN THE TOILET and we celebrated with a happy dance and high fives for everyone!
(we are still in diapers and will be for a long time but it is a step in the right direction)
He played in the tub for the first time EVER!
NO leaky colostomy! YAY!
after a while we did have a leaky bottom but we aren't going to focus on that!
Bath time was still glorious and there will be more to come!

Sam is moving around much easier now! His incision site is fabulous and his other procedure site is great! His only problem is his baby soft bottom is not used to poop and even with all the stuff protecting it- it's sore.

So I think I will focus on all the good stuff and say this is a THANKFUL THURSDAY post!!

Tomorrow is Abby's dental work and her bone marrow biopsy.
Glad to get it done BUT will miss not being home... again...

I look forward to an accurate diagnosis and a PLAN!

They are already talking to us about a plan for her and as they know more info we will start implementing it!

God is so good and we are so grateful to HIM!
 Our blessings are bountiful and adorable at the same time!

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