Thursday, February 23, 2012

It is Cancer and We Need Prayer...

This is not a post I want to post. In fact I'm not really sure where to begin...

If it is not written perfectly please overlook the imperfections...

First, I will say that I firmly believe the GOD is in control. And that he reveals information or urges us to seek information as we are ready to deal with it- HIS timing is perfect timing!

When Hubby and I saw Abby's picture and we prayed about it and both came to each other with the exact same words- it was all GOD! He impressed upon our hearts that "she needs to come home".

HE was right! More than I really knew or understood.

When we got Abby's referral I did my homework. The Dr's at the adoption clinic carefully reviewed the file and I researched on the internet. All of that didn't really matter because HE knew all along she was our daughter and before we even knew it, he had chosen us for this journey.

I have been a bit cocky lately- you see the chances of Abby actually having MDS are 4 in one million. Most Drs concluded that she was misdiagnosed and that we would figure it out once she got home. (including the Dr's at the medical clinic in GZ) Because of the specific nature of the diagnosis MDS-RAS I wondered of maybe there weren't right. China doesn't like to be wrong and they certainly must have done many tests to come up with this unusual diagnosis. There was no medical information to back up their diagnosis, no test results, nothing- so I held out hope that they were wrong.

I also did not fear the diagnosis because GOD can move mountains and surely he can heal a child if he chooses... PLUS from what I had read... it wasn't cancer and we could hopefully get it before it turns into cancer.

My thinking was off, my research was flawed and I am humbled... big time...

We came into the Hematologist/ Oncologist office to start the chelation process and to be admitted to the hospital for the next 3 days. My Mommy barometer started to pick up different vibes- people were saying "I'm sorry", have you "met with" and "you need to meet with" the bone marrow transplant team asap, you need to hear what they want to do and what they foresee as the possible outcome. 


First of all why the I'm sorry's? Why words like survival rate, isn't this going to cure her? I already knew the plan- we get the iron out of the blood, we have a transplant and she is cured and we all live happily ever after. She gets to grow up and we get to be her Mommy and Daddy- right? RIGHT!

When I googled MDS- it said it used to be considered a pre leukemia but it is no longer considered that...
Pause... think... okay, that sounds pretty good. It is no longer considered a pre leukemia. What they neglected to say... It is no longer considered a pre leukemia because it is now considered a form of leukemia.

So today I asked is MDS cancer?

Yes, it is cancer.

My stomach is in knots, the tears flow, my heart is so heavy, I am in shock for our little girl. Today, I can't really think straight...

I shouldn't be surprised but I am...

Hubby seems peaceful, it is what he expected, it's not what I expected, although I knew it was a possibility...

We are still waiting for chromosomal and genetics test results. They will not be back for a month or so. I am guessing this will lead us towards some answers- I am just praying they are the answers we want to hear. 

At this point I have heard that there is a 60% survival rate. I am going to be honest- I wanted much better than that...

I am hoping to talk to the Dr. and gain more knowledge on all of this...

I am no longer going to sit back and let things happen...

It's time to mobilize the troops!

It's time to spread the word to every prayer warrior out there, to your church, to your prayer groups, to your bible studies, to everyone that believes in the power of Prayer!

Please spread the word! We need the prayers of many! Feel free to blog about it, and share the prayer request on facebook (right now I don't really do facebook but who knows maybe someday).

When I know more I will share it.

The tentative plan is to do the chelation 2 times a month for 2.5 days in the hospital each time. Then hopefully we she will have a bone marrow transplant in 6-9 months.

Please pray that the they are successful getting the iron out of Abby's body.

Please pray that they find a bone marrow match for Abby.

Please pray that they are able to do the bone marrow transplant before this turns into AMLeukemia.

Please pray that the bone marrow transplant is successful and that Abby is cured of her cancer.

Heavenly Father you are the King of Kings. You hold our daughter in the palm of your hand. We pray that you will heal her and allow her to live a long and blessed life.

Is anything to hard for the Lord?
Genesis 18:14

But with God anything is possible.
Matthew 19:26

You may ask for anything in my name and I will do it.
John 14:14

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