Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On the lighter side of "Life"!

We had a little mishap in our house!
Somehow someones knee found someones nose!

They both were injured and needed ice packs!

It happened while they were outside playing in the snow. 

Thank goodness they both recovered quickly!

Every time Katie's puppy Penny is at our house she is the center of attention!

We have been very busy wedding planning!
It will happen this summer and then they are off to Germany and stationed in Stuttgart.
Oh my, will we miss the three of them ;-(
(I included Penny, of course!)

FYI- I am already planning a week in Stuttgart!

Maybe Penny will be safer in Stuttgart?

When Penny stays at our house she sleeps with Sarah!
One time she slept with me, one time... it didn't go well...
One of us did not sleep well...
Guess which one!
Sarah can have her!

Luke is such a great eater! He likes anything!
(He's like Mikey on the old "life" cereal commercials and I am really dating myself by saying that!))

One hour later...

Except he can be a bit slow... especially if we have the TV on (it's educational TV, of course)!

Someone is having fun researching-
 wedding dresses,
bridesmaid dresses,
reception venues,
reception decor,
the list goes on!!

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