Thursday, February 9, 2012

Luke's Surgery is Scheduled...

He is such a little blessing!!
I love this picture from his first birthday in China!

As an infant he was so frail and so sickly. But he plumped up before his heart surgery in Israel - only GOD!!

Now our sweet boy is facing another open heart surgery.

His repair from Israel looks awesome but there is a blockage in in his pulmonary vein that leads back to the heart. They are concerned that it will increase the blood pressure in his lungs and cause pulmonary hypertension (which can potentially cause irreversible damage). 

Sooooo... he needs to have the blockage cleared.

We are thankful he is home so he can get this done before their are more complications. We are thankful that we can be with him before and after the surgery. 
We wish he didn't need it... but he does... I am concerned... 
I know our Lord has a perfect plan for little Luke and we are placing our trust in HIM!

The surgery is scheduled for March 14th. We will be hospitalized for 7-10 days and then a 6 weeks recovery at home.

Please say prayers for Luke!

Next post will be something light and happy... whew!

(about time!)

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