Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Venturing Out!

Today we all ventured out and ran errands!
It was my first time out alone with 8 children!
I always give them the same shpeal- Stay with mom all the time, you can look but don't touch,be super good so we can do this again!
They did pretty good,
Yes, they did touch BUT the put back!

If we wanted to we could have wreaked havoc on walgr**ns but they all behaved!
The clerk said to me "let me just help these people and I will be right back to you."
I looked at her and said "you really want us in and out of here as fast as possible."
She got it!

Emma is like velcro to me!
She would love to spend the whole day following me around, helping me and doing whatever I do!
Both Emma and Ellie have not needed an adjustment period with this last adoption. They are doing great and haven't missed a beat! They are enjoying their new siblings and not feeling threatened! That is so good!

EXCEPT- for one thing Emma tends to scratch and scratch her back at night. Her back is filled with scabs.
And it is only at night that she does it. I NEVER see her scratching.
We are not sure why this happens?
Could it be stress?
Could it be a little OCD?
Could she have scabies? I don't think so?

The new children are being added to our insurance and it is not on the records yet so Luke's pulmacort was not covered and it was $409! excuse me? We took a fraction of the prescription and will fill the rest once it's covered!

Next stop! A delicious lunch from McD's!

We now need two 20 piece nuggets meals!
Best part- kitchen stayed clean!

Once home I found Mark on the stairs...
I asked him "What are you doing? Hiding?"
Ha, he was!
How do I know that?
Wellllll, I may have done it now and then!
Like when I am sneaking chocolate!

The freezer is repaired!! Praise God! Mark got a lesson on how to clean it!

Luke has a love/fear relationship with the dogs!
He always wants us to go with him and "look" at them !
It's pretty cute!

I thought I did a fine job parking until I came out! This woman needs to stay HOME!

Holy buckets did I do a bad job parking!

Male bonding!
We doubt Luke will be able to be a soccer player BUT it's not stopping him from being a GREAT FAN!

Too, too cute!

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