Monday, December 12, 2011

Guess Who We Saw Today!!

We were so happy to meet up with Shonni, Kaylin and the two kids!!
As we were eating we were joined by Donna!! 
It was so wonderful to have some time together!!
Then Donna had to leave... it was time for her to meet her new daughter!
 Yay God! How very very exciting!! 

After lunch the kids played at the park!
Noelani and Sarah were able to interact and play a little!
Clive enjoyed Jim- they are both going to love having a Daddy and siblings!!
They are very excited to get home and reunite with the rest of the family!

We strolled around the island and visited!
We loved spending the afternoon with them! They are so nice and have a great sense of humor!
I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity to meet up with them in China!

We have been going and going so we decided that tonight we needed to go to bed early... actually the children needed to go to bed early!

They had cozy baths and playtime in the tub!

This is the courtesy smile!
Thank you Luke!

We had dinner in the room! Luke wanted outta the tub fast when he saw the food!

Chinese Chicken Noodle soup hit the spot! They all loved it!

Hubby and I relaxed and visited!

After dinner the children watched a movie! At 8:00 the lights went out and Mr Luke and Miss Abby hit the hay! They were very happy to go to bed!

God is so Good!!

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