Monday, December 19, 2011

Lot's Happening...

Hard to know how to title this post!

Lots happening-

Hubby's work computer crashed...

Our freezer is no longer working...

And we have random lights in the house that no longer work (electrical issues)...

I'm trying to block the fact that this is the Christmas season and all the things I normally do... I cannot do...

We are just focusing on having a good attitude, doing all the things we need to do, minus all the Christmas stuff that we usually do...  and preparing our hearts for one of the most important days of the year!

While, at the same time,  trying to become a new enlarged family and somehow finding our new normal- which will take a little bit of time.

Abby has been increasingly pale and pasty looking with dark circles under her eyes. In spite of that she stays awake all day and colors and plays with all the children. I took her into the DR today to check her HGB(hemoglobin)- it was 6, just 20 days earlier she was at 12.6. That's not good...

They are awaiting our call tomorrow morning and will get us into the hematologist. Most likely she will be transfused tomorrow, too. She is such a dear sweet child- and yet such a trooper- she doesn't complain at all. Honestly 48 hours home, jet lag and she still keeps up with the other kids- I think she is amazing!

The Dr- also listened to Luke- he is somewhat irregular (but she was not alarmed) and she heard two murmurs- we will also be contacting the Peds cardiologist tomorrow(our appt is scheduled for next week but we may want to get in sooner). He is wheezing but not bad and we will start neb (pulmicort) tomorrow, too.

We have noticed that Luke does not run like the other kids. He self regulates his activity level and will gladly hold a parent's hand while the other kids run ahead.

Both of these children are so dear and so amazing. They are more delicate that our other children- at least that is how we feel. Their health issues are serious and life threatening. We need to know exactly where they are at "health wise" and go from there.

We are blessed to have them and pray that our Heavenly Father will be with us every step of the way!

(Maybe pics later or with next post!)

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