Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Day Continued!

When we returned to the room everyone was doing very well!
Abby turned on our "Sing and Dance with Mei Mei" video(this is a must for every adoptive family) and Luke was interested in it!
He is sitting on top of Sarah in the pic!

He checked out some of the new toys we bought him and seemed to be good with everything!

They were all adorable together!

It made this Momma's heart so happy!

There were still two children that hadn't arrived yet and were meeting their families at the hotel!
We were all invited to experience it with the families!

It turned out to be a wonderful social gathering!
Many of the kiddos that were previously sad were doing much better!

We have an awesome group!! It is huge but everyone is as nice as can be!
We have three guides working together!

After the first little one arrived we had to wait awhile for #2.
Every time the elevator opened we held our breath!
One time it was a 40 yr old man- it was hysterical- we thought it would be the baby!
He was so surprised, everyone laughed and he said "you can adopt me"!

The family waiting is on the left. They were very patient and very excited!

Ta Da! Here she is!
And she was well worth the wait!!

Then we were off to lunch!

And of course we all had to jump off the stairs!

And that was so much fun we had to do it again!

Luke is wondering "How on earth did I get into this crazy family and why does this lady like to take so so many pictures"!!

We celebrated our new addition!
FYI- this happens throughout the whole meal... 
every meal!

After lunch it was an exciting card game of WAR!

She is a very happy Jie Jie!

Our two tots enjoyed their electronics!

Another be still my heart moment!

Luke decided his cars needed to be put in an orderly fashion!
He was getting tired and we were trying to have a little down time.

This is when we went to sign the official papers and Luke decided he... wasn't going to sign!
Red ink all over ones hand did not appeal to him... at all!
And besides he was over tired and missing his Momma in China.
He started to cry- it was both adorable and heart breaking.
After watching many other nice families and children put red ink all over their hands and put their prints in the box... Luke still felt it was not a good idea and his hands were clenched. There was no way he was opening them up...
so we problem solved and put his foot on the ink pad.
He was not happy at all but he recovered quickly.

It was past nap time so Babba laid down with Luke...
This is Luke version of nap time...
He refused to lay down.
Well, at least Daddy rested!

After the failed attempt at a nap we went to the play room!

Sister Sarah is alway good for a few laughs!
We are so glad she is with us! She has so much energy and loves children!
She had everyone laughing!

There is not much in the play room but the kids still managed to have a lot of fun in the balls!

It was so good to see Luke laughing and having fun!

Next was bathtime. He stood in the water for quite a while before sitting down. I think he thought this was a bit big for a bath tub! He is used to the toddler tubs!
He LOVED playing in the tub!

After the bath we wanted to brush his teeth but he said no.
Okay... then we will do it tomorrow!
He looked at us like... probably not!

We could tell he was getting a little nervous. Nothing was the same, everything was new and different.
Even this new sister was bugging him.
He kept moving away and she kept moving closer!
BUT it made for a cute pic!

So here we are... it's bedtime and Mr Luke is looking at us like... so what's the deal here?

Mommy happily looks at him and says- Bao Xin crib!
He shakes his head NO!

So Momma then says...
Bao Xin Bed?
And I point to the roll away-
He shakes his head NO!

The options are beginning to run out!
So now I point to the big bed and I say Bao Xin
Big bed with Momma and Babba?

Once again it was a NO.
However he did hesitate with that one sooooo-
The big bed is was!

Momma lifted him up into the middle spot of the bed and he started to cry.
It wasn't a big cry so we thought okay, we can do this!

Out went the lights and we all went to bed at 9:00!!
lay down!

He sat up between us and within 10 minutes his head was bobbing!
He was exhausted!
He wanted to lay down BUT he just couldn't give in!

UNTIL he crashed!
And then
he popped up again 
only to crash again
and then he popped up again!
Only to crash again!
he finally fell asleep after falling to one side or the other about 10 times!

Seriously, if this would have been videoed it would have paid for our trip to China!

It was so funny!

He slept through the night but whimpered about 6 times and fell back asleep!


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