Sunday, December 11, 2011

Medical exams and ...

The children had their medical exams done. Our two children surprised them just a bit. They had a couple different Docs come and listen to Luke. They determined that, yes his heart beat is irregular at times but felt he was doing very well. 

We do plan to have him seen in MPLS- BUT we would also consider traveling to a doctor if that is what is best for him. Feel free to leave a recommendation in the comment section! We need a Pediatric cardiologist group- the best in the USA works for us!! Whoever that is?

We would love to take him close to home BUT I have gotten questionable vibes from the local group- they would not take the time to write a brief letter to help expedite his adoption and the Dr didn't even take the time to talk to us... hmmmm- not so sure they are the right group? Planning to bring him in and see- praying that God directs us!

When Abby had her medical exam they were very surprised at her diagnosis. 
A couple different Docs came in to see her. He finally asked me how did they come up with this diagnosis and then I said- I have no clue, I was going to ask you that question. 
He was not so sure that was a correct diagnosis, we are not either??? Her spleen and liver are enlarged. The one blood test had her Hgb as 2.86- so something is happening where she needs the transfusions BUT what is it?? 
I would love to hop on a plane now and go straight to the Dr and find out what is going on with our little Abigail Elizabeth?

I'm running into a little bit of trouble with the photo shoots!
One of my models is not cooperating!
As you can see Luke is shaking his head- NO more pictures!

He has been so good with it so far but I think my days of snapping away with him are numbered!
He will fit in perfectly with the big boys!
They often say- no pics mom!

Even Abby is not so interested in posing for me!

Thank goodness I still have Sarah! She'll smile for me!!
We ate at Lucy's! It felt good to be on the island!
It is just more peaceful and we can take a stroll down the parkway!

After lunch we played in the park.

I especially love this pic BECAUSE of the rays of sun shining down on Luke.
When my mother passed away the clouds broke and they son shined through- it was a blessed moment.
So when I can see the rays of sun, I know my mom is near!
Oh my, how she would love these treasures of ours!

The park worked out prefect after lunch!
It was different this time. No other newly adopted children were there- it felt like something was missing at the park

Luke talks a lot! It is adorable and he walks right up to us... like we are supposed to know what he is saying! We quickly call Sarah to our side to translate!
OR we pretend we know what he is saying and answer him back!
That actually works sometimes!
He talks in 3rd person, just like Elmo!
It is so cute!

After we left the island he said... "I didn't find my Momma and Babba..." 
It was kind of sad...
But at the same time he is happy, active and doing so well!
 He seems to like both of us and is enjoying Sarah and Abby.

At night we had a group dinner. These three had lots of fun together!
They didn't misbehave BUT then I'm not so sure they behaved either!
I think it was somewhere in between!

( I am so proud of Sarah and her social skills with other children. She just seems to blend in so well. We are happily surprised and very thankful for the confidence that she is gaining!)

We had four huge round tables and we had a lot of fun!
Almost everyone from our group was there!

Once again I will say, we have thee nicest group and we feel very blessed to be part of it!

Note to Gege's (big brothers)- he is not playing with a doll!
This is part of an electrical engineering test- her tail lights up!
Soooo, there's no need to worry!

And now he is doing a mathematical calculation- how many times can the hair ties go around the ponytail?
Serious stuff going on here!

Sweet Abby is doing so well!
She is such a blessing!

Thank you Jesus!

You may want to read the post below- I may have posted twice in one day?

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