Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Once Again- It's Official!

Day 2- We went back to the Civil Affairs Office to make this official!
Everyone in our group is so nice! I love talking to each and everyone of them! Both the adults and the children!

Luke was quiet and observant of all that was happening around him.

It is a rather cold and loud room and can feel overwhelming at times.

We were very happy to get our "little red book" that made our adoption of Luke official!

It felt so good to hear his name called and to have that "little red book" in our hands!
God is so good and we are so thankful to HIM!

Next, we were off to the notary's office!
We climbed 6 flights of stairs holding our treasures!
I had Luke and Jim had Abby.
It was getting close to lunch time so one by one little ones were struggling. Luke did well but Abby was bored- how do we know? Well, when she's bored and there is nothing else to do she decided she had to go to the potty! That way she gets out of the room and also gets one on one time with Mom!
When we said we couldn't leave she no longer had to go to the potty ;-)

Here we are with the notary! I hope their pic turned our better because our sweet little guy was blinking- oh well!

Once we were back at the hotel everyone did better! We could see it on Luke's face- every hour it is getting better!
 The stress is leaving him and we are seeing more and more of his personality!

Let me just tell ya- he is a cutie!
And Abby is doing so well too! She takes minor corrections so well and we are finding out she is as smart as can be!

Previously I said she couldn't count- I was wrong! She can count into the 20's!
She is repeating english words and it is adorable!!

If she feels new brother(Luke) is getting a little too much attention she comes right up to us and gets some attention for herself! We are pleased that she is so comfortable doing that and she does it in such a nice way- it is so easy to love both of these children!

They have both claimed their spots in the stroller and if Abby gets into Luke's spot he just tells her
"get out of my spot" (in chinese- so cute).
We have realized this trip that Sarah has lost some of her Chinese but the longer we are here the more it is coming back!
She can speak to the children and she can tell us what they are saying!
It is so helpful!

Luke lived in a foster home were he heard some english. So I asked him-
Luke do you understand Momma?
He said NO!
In the beginning I think he pretended not to understand because he really didn't know what was happening to him.
But we just had to chuckle when he answered me as plain as day!

Sarah has really been clicking with the other children and we have loved it!
I have been very careful who she is around and at times it has been hard for her to feel comfortable and make friends but not here!
Sarah is 11 and the two other girls are 9.
That is probably more where her maturity and academic level is at- perfect!

It is also good for me to see how other kids this age act. A couple times I wanted to correct her but held back and could see the other children doing the same things as Sarah.
(getting a little loud and giggly, speech errors, silliness, etc)

The big afternoon activity was going shopping!
Luke and Abby are both nice, smart and determined children.
This was the battle over whose hands could or could not be in the grocery cart.
We let them work it out and then used a little distraction and moved on!

Each of the children got a little toy!
I showed him this truck and there was no changing his mind!
He was thrilled and not going to let it go!

WE also bought one of the handy dandy step stools! Now the kids can reach the sink to brush their teeth (and btw Luke is letting me brush his teeth)
and wash their hands!

And when it was all over, we once again had two tired kiddos!
The best part is he slept in my arms!
I loved it!

At the store Abby wanted the Dr kit! I think she has seen many of these items while in the hospital each month.
She is serious about her work!

Poor Barbie- not quite sure what she is going to do?
It looks to me like she is going to give her a nose- ectomy- commonly know as removing ones nose!
Just Kidding!

Abby had a bath and Sarah showered! Luke's turn is tonight! We aren't quite ready to bath them together- not sure they will share the toys in the tub!!
I think we will give it a little more time!

Luke slept through the night between his Momma and Babba!
He only whimpered once!
Progress is being made every minute!

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