Saturday, December 10, 2011

No Clue What Day It Is?

 But just wanted to share some pics of our outing to Shaolin Temple

We thought we dressed the children warm enough but once we arrived and felt the bitter wind and realized we were in the mountains we knew we didn't, sooooo
 being the problem solving people we are we bought them some quilted chinese garb for the day!
It worked and the kids we warm!

The temple was interesting but I will be honest- it was disappointing.
It was completely commercialized and not nearly as special as it could have been.
 We covered a lot of ground and had our stroller with us thinking we were set to go BUT stairs, stairs and more stairs do not work with a stroller!

Kids in stroller, kids out of stroller, up the stairs, down the stairs, up more stairs and down even more stairs, while carrying stroller... 
Freezing cold, under dressed Momma who was chilled to the bone...
Kids back in stroller, kids out of stroller, up more stairs...
You get the picture!

BUT golly gee look at us- we are still just as happy as can be!

Can you sense the sarcasm ;-)

It was one of those days were the pictures makes it look more fun than it was ;-)

Yes, the mountains were beautiful! 

And all the kids were adorable!
I was so wishing and hoping for a heater somewhere nearby...
Until this moment!

When we saw the bird man!

And we decided to go and see what he was doing?

So we bought some bird food from them and had no clue that this was going to happen next!

One by one they came...

and they landed...

And we about peed our pants we were laughing so hard!

I started snapping pics and this one surprisingly landed on my one free hand!
(at one point I had three on me while still taking pics!)

And they kept on coming!

Even the two littles thought it was hysterical!

I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time!

It actually felt really good and...
 all the stairs disappeared...
and the buckling and unbuckling went away
And the bitter wind stopped...

And we all just laughed and laughed!
That was the highlight of the day!

The Kung Fu exhibit was very good!
(but it was very cold in there too)

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I am trying not to complain!
I should have bought some of the quilted traditional garb for me too!

I was NEVER so glad to see a bus in all my life!
That was the second best part!
I'm complaining again!

These two really started bonding and playing together!
It was so cute!
Instead of who the heck is he and why is he here?
They giggled and played!
Until they both fell asleep!

And this is the look I get when he wants something and he is not so sure I am going to say yes!
... BUT how could I ever say no to the face!

It was a full day!
We were glad to be back in the hotel!
God is so good and we are so grateful!

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