Sunday, December 11, 2011

Safari Park!

It was a beautiful day today!! 61 degrees and SUNNY!!
It was so nice to be outside with the children and other families!

In our opinion the Safari Park should be in the rotation during adoption trips!
One by one more families wanted to join us- we ended up with a nice size group and no one was disappointed! The animals are awesome, active and plentiful!

I was going to spare you my animal pics BUT how would you know what we saw if I didn't share at least some of them!
I know they can get boring but try to stay with me!

Abby and Luke LOVED seeing them! 
I could never get a pic of their faces because I was always behind them.

If you are going to China in the future be sure to go to the Safari Park!
It is a little expensive but totally worth it!

Luke is getting a cough and cold. Along with his Momma and Babba.

Abby loved feeding the giraffe!

Luke liked watching everybody feed the giraffe!
He decided not to give it a try!

Sarah could have stayed there all day feeding them!

He liked the giraffes better from a little ways away!

Oh very funny Luke!

Luke is interested in everything! He is such a smart little boy!

Abby, too! Nothing gets by her! She wants to be part of everything!
Which is good quality in a big family!

Sweet sweet child!

All the kids that came to the Safari Park with us!

Inside that panda costume is a Chimpanzee!

Sarah volunteered to be part of the show!

She made the basket! Of course the monkey helped her!

She's a winner!

The kids loved watching the little show. 
Since no one volunteered to kiss the monkey- Sarah raised her hand!

The people in the crowd were surprised when she ran up to us after the show!
They were surprised to she was adopted- she did such a great job!
It made my Mommy heart proud!

We had a GREAT day!

And as soon as we got back on the bus both Luke and Abby crashed!
They were exhausted!

We are looking forward to going home but it will still be awhile.
We have a later CA date- Thursday morning.
We get our Visas on Friday and high tail it outta here!
The big kids at home are really missing us and we are really missing them.
Praying the littles are doing okay. Can't wait to see them ALL!
Praise God!

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