Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 3- To the Aquarium!

On Day 3- we were off to the aquarium!
He only whimpered once during the night!

The children had fun in the back of the bus!
We did move Luke back up with us cause the kids do get a little active back there!

Both Abby and Luke LOVED the aquarium and the fish!
Luke says the word fish! He talks a lot, it is so cute!

Sarah and Daniel are the same age. He is such a nice boy and he is doing very well with his Dad! 
They meet up with Mom and siblings in GZ!

The kids fed the fish with a baby bottle! It was so fun for them! Abby did it too and Luke tried but decided to wait until he was older!

Lexi is 9 yrs old and Sarah is 11- the girls had so much fun together!

The kids wanted to look into the top of the aquarium, so Babba lifted them up!

Luke also loved the turtles and is say "turtles" too!!

Emily and Sarah petting the sea turtles!

Abby wanted a turn to see them too!

Just one of the MANY cute faces this little boy makes!

Sarah and Luke taking off in the helicopter!

Abby is taking off, too!

Snack time at the aquarium!
Luke also says Abby's and Sarah's name!
Abby is trying some words- okay, Momma, Babba, okay, Luke, Sarah and cheers!

The two of them almost beat the record!!

Ping pong with Daniel!

Luke LOVES trucks!

He is an incredibly good little boy!

He must have gotten some good cards here!! He looks content with his hand!

Attempting a somersault!

He is actually quite good at it! And so is Abby!!

At dinnertime the kids went up to the room before us - they got jammies on and then hid behind the door as we walked up! I just so happened to have my camera in hand- they actually did surprise us!
It was so fun for them!

Good night sweet babies! We had a great day!

I am once again a day behind on posts! Hope to sneak another one in, if possible! We leave for GZ this afternoon- Yay God!!
Yesterday we went to the temple- it was interesting... kind of ;-)
My biggest memory of it was the COLD!
Thank goodness we have a fun group that makes anything enjoyable!
Packing now.
Abby has fallen 3 times this morning and shed tears- I think sometimes she wonders what is happening, she senses something is going on. She has gotten lots of hugs and love already today!
Back to packing!

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