Monday, December 5, 2011

Be Still My Heart!

The day that we have waited for for 2 years has finally arrived!

When we arrived at the office many of the children were already there.
Luke was standing in a corner looking out of the window.
He saw us walk in and immediately gave us a look like he recognized us. 
He started walking towards us.

And then he stopped...

The person with him told him I was his Momma and he shook his head no.
I think it was just too much for him.
So much happening and not completely understanding all of this?

We gave him a little space and time and began showing him the things in his backpack.

Then he pointed to his light up shoes and then to me and he said
Be still me heart!

He thought the things in his backpack were okay but just okay...

So we brought out our super duper weapon!


They're guaranteed to put a smile on anyones face!

They worked! He began to relax and interact!

Abby and Luke had to check each other !

He is such a precious child! We are beyond thankful!

9 other families were getting their children! It was a bit loud in the room but he did well despite all the noise and activity.

Abby stayed close to us and handled the situation well... for the most part!

Three of our eight treasures from China!
Thank you Jesus!

Had to post this pic because it is just so sweet!

Once the bubble became a little old we brought out the cars!
He loved them!

Then a book!!

And Momma finally got to hold her little treasure!

He has an adorable personality we look forward to knowing him better and discovering more about this special little boy!

My new roommates!

I can see it know! We will be having a house full of large trucks!
That works for me!

He likes it up there!

Then we went on to the magnadoodle!

At which point... Abby felt we were taking too many pics of Luke!
Hence the magnadoodle in front of the camera!
Abby did feel a little slighted for a moment but with hugs and holding she got over it!

Our official picture!

There is more to say and many more pics.
Luke is seems a little sad now but is doing okay.
He is very tired and unable to take a nap in this new environment.

Will post again as soon as I can!
Maybe after he falls asleep tonight, if I'm not asleep too!

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