Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am beginning to go completely batty! All I want is to hug my dear children at home, sleep in my own bed, sit on my own toilet and do laundry in my laundry room! 
Well... and eat honey bunches of oats cereal, homeschool my dear children, pet my dogs, drive vanna - 
in other words...
I just wanna be home!!

Hubby would love to go to work! 
I would love him to go to work! 

And we want to see these two new treasures in our home with all our other kiddos...

BUT, thinking of home and torturing ourselves is not a good idea...

Very few families are left now- most have gone.

It's killin me...

We had a great group!
 Everyone was so so nice!

This is Brent, Kris and their darling daughter Hope!
They went with the regular program NSN and waited 6 years! This is their first child! She is beautiful and they are overjoyed!

The only problem is- we all all from different parts of the USA.
Chances of us getting together again are not good unless we all attend a CCAI function in Colorado?
Who knows? Maybe it will happen?

In the picture above are Suzy and Joe! Their two newbies are on each side of Dad! Sasha is on the right and she is 12 yrs old. Daniel in on the left and he is 11 yrs old.

Doug and Elise are bringing home Jack(20 months)! 
Our Sarah(11) loved playing with Hannah(12) and Aaron(10)!

Here is Kendra and Kevin! 
Lauren and Beth came with them to get their Mei mei!
They have 3 other girls at home!

Mark and Rosie are bringing home Lexi(2.5 yrs old)! 
Big sis Mia(6) came with them and so did nephew Bobby (18)!

Maria and Tom adopted Maddy!! She is such a cute little peanut! 
I think she is around 18 months old?

Paul and Kelly adopted Chloe! She just turned 3! Big sister Charis came too!

Kim is bringing home Josie(3). 
Her hubby is at home with their other daughter- age 4!

Jody and Dani have Eli age 18 months. Lexi(9) and Emily(6) are the big sisters!

Lona and Bobby are bringing home the 2 boys- Levi and Luke! Both boys are 3 yrs old!
They also have a crew at home waiting for them!

And here we all are!-
 Except for 2 families!

 Nate and Jennifer with the new baby girl- Sarah Grace!
The three of them went to the Safari park with their other 2 children- Rose(10) and Wade(4).

If anyone is worried about me losing weight-  worry no more!
I'm doin more than okay...
In fact I have developed a new hobby-
 It's called eating to pass the time away or having one meal and then right away planning the next meal and well you get the picture!

Okay friends- I am faltering!

Please leave me a comment, email me, tell me something I didn't know?

What did you have for dinner last night, what are you having for breakfast, what are you doing today?
What do you want for Christmas?

Just don't leave me now!!!
Prayers are welcomed!

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