Thursday, November 29, 2012

Who's Missing?

Lately I have been asking the children-
"Okay, who's missing?"

I look around and quickly count to 8.

I guess we are all here?

I just feel that something is wrong, somebody is (or somebodies are) not with us?

And then I realize, it's our three waiting children that are missing.

I have been mentally preparing for the new and larger number!

I am ready to count to 11 (constantly) because that's what I'll be doing!

We are working hard to prepare for the children. Another set of bunk beds have been set up!
As soon as the rooms are in order I will post pics! 
And share with you our bedroom plans.

I am still contemplating how we are all going to eat at the same time/counter/table AND how I will be educating everyone.
I am not concerned about it.
I know God will reveal HIS plan and things will fall into place in time.

(I have heard that this little one is very thin - she looks so frail to me.
I cannot wait to love her and feed her!)

We are planning to order a new van, but we are not sure if it will get done before we travel to China.
I would love the sprinter but fitting into our garage, parking ramps (because we are often at Children's Hospital) and being able to get the van washed in our local car wash has taken precedence.

So a larger version of Vanna will be what we purchase.
They are making them safer and better quality now- which is good.

We have had a minor hitch these last couple days...

Our N*V*C cable was sent BUT I have had a very hard time getting them to send me the letter via email.

At first it was no problem BUT they only sent one of the three.

Then "I called back" and asked for the other two.
They said no, then yes- whew good!

BUT they never arrived so "I called again" and they said that I requested them to "mail" them to me, (that would be snail mail). I don't think so, but I then rephrased my request-
PLEASE EMAIL them to me asap!

and still nothing happened...
So "I called again" (are ya getting the theme) "I called again"
and they said
it was sent via email and may take 3-5 days to arrive in my email box.
At that point I thought I was going CRAZY...
REALLY, oh come on... Oh please...
I requested they be sent again.

After that last TALL TALE...

I had to "call again"...

 and they said they couldn't tell how it has been sent, either email or snail mail and the needed their supervisor to check on it
BUT the supervisor was in a meeting...

YES, it was obvious...
I could no longer handle this myself.
I finally gave it to GOD in PRAYER!

 delegated the calling to Hubby!

I'm just not a fast thinker and quick with words,
he is and with prayer this was a fitting job for him!

The letters arrived tonight via email!

And we are now in process for Article 5!



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 reasons to praise the LORD

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