Monday, November 5, 2012

Heading Home

We have loved having Katie home these last 4 weeks!
What a TREAT it has been!!

I am feeling so blessed to have had this wonderful time together!

We been able to do fun things and have wonderful family time!
All of the children have loved spending time with their biggest sister!

Thank you GOD!

We will miss you darling daughter! But I know you will be fine! Keep praying sweet girl!!

We do not know when Andrew will becoming home. This is the way it goes with military life. It's not easy but it certainly gives one the opportunity to grow in faith and patience.

She is heading back to Germany tomorrow(Tuesday) morning.

 We are praying for the safety of all the soldiers and for all of them to come home soon!

We are praying for Katie, too!

God is so good!

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