Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

The day before thanksgiving was Hubby and our oldest son Matt's birthday!
Our Matt is in Colorado so we could not spend the day with him.
What a blessed day it was to have our first child born on Hubby's birthday!
Since Thanksgiving was the next day we chose to celebrate it when everyone would be together (at least everyone that was in MN that is!)

The younger children and I had lunch with Daddy!
(The sun was very bright. It was a gorgeous day!)

Abby was supposed to have her back pack off on Wednesday but her medication did not infuse ;-(
It was a bit of a malfunction.
She carried around her pack with a full liter of fluid for two long days...
it wasn't until the nurse came to de-access her that we found it was still FULL.
I should have checked it...
lesson learned!

She is still such a trooper! She never complains about it!
We even washed her hair and had her take a tub bath with it on!
The tub only had about 3 inches of water, but she was thrilled!

I can't believe I forgot to take pics of the Thanksgiving Turkey and the table- my bad...

It was just us for the holiday but the little children were able to sit around the BIG table
(instead of the counter)
they loved it!

We sent the children(the bigs and the littles) DOWNSTAIRS because they got quite active.
This is NOT a good example of the activity level that we experienced!

This, on the other hand, is a better example!

The birthday boy and the children!

A more relaxed pic!

Our 6 yr olds and the big bros!

Daddy received many many many cards!

The blessings are abundant!

these two aren't feeling the love right now!
(let me in!)

It was a Blessed Thanksgiving!
A very casual day.
We took a walk in the early afternoon.
The children played outside.
Then a cold front came in and we hunkered down inside!
We even had some big beautiful snowflakes!

Kelly's sister, Jenna came over. 
The children loved playing with her... or would that be on her!

The Momma and Babba of this very large crew!
You never know when your going to need a pic of the parents ;-)

We feel so very blessed!
You are so blessed, too!
Please share with me some of your blessings!

God is so good!

It's all about attitude. 
It's all about thankfulness. 
It's all about just seeing the blessings!
We ALL are so blessed!


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