Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In Need of a Christmas Plan and Gift Ideas!

We have been thinking about Christmas lately...
Trying to develop a plan that includes minimal gifts and lots of thankful, joyful little hearts.

We are thinking of two gifts per child- for the littles...
And then one simple thing for the bigs... 

We really have everything we need.
God's blessings are so abundant.
We have seen miracles in our home since opening our hearts and minds to the Lord.
Children healed, patience gained, little hearts opening to Jesus, a new language acquired by many, daily lessons learned of what it means to be in a family, abundant hugs, kisses and I love you's! 
We even look back and can see God's handy work in our lives in the past but often we were too busy with twaddle(Charlotte Mason's term for things that are/were very unimportant) to really SEE all that HE was doing...

I have asked the children what they want.
That is "kind of" a mistake.
First the wanted Build * Bear stuff.
I think that was because we got Mia, Missy and Maddie a bear and an outfit for China.

Then they wanted toys from our little shoes store.
I think that is because we got new winter shoes for some of the children and for Mia, Missy and Maddie.

Then they wanted a Dream L*ght or a P*llow Pal because they saw it on TV...

It is hard for them to understand that we cannot get 8 Dream L*ghts and 8 P*llow Pals.

I'm a little confused?
I want this blessed holiday to be joyful, 
but I don't want to spend much time shopping and blow the budget.

We do want 2 gifts per younger child.

Any ideas anyone?
What are you getting your kiddos?

Can you share some of your holiday plans?

How are you focusing on Jesus this holiday season?

Thank you for your HELP! 

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