Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Luke!

The weather has been beautiful and the children have taken full advantage of it!
Luke is now riding a 2 wheeler with training wheels!

He couldn't walk up the stairs when we first met him, because he would get to winded.
After his heart surgery in March he has made amazing progress!

His skinny little legs now have thigh muscles and he is able to run and pedal FAST! 
Which thrills him!!
BTW- these are action shots even though they look like stills!
I was actually running alongside the bike ;-)

Since we had Gotcha day right after his birthday, he had to wait while everyone else celebrated their birthday throughout the year- NOW IT WAS HIS TURN!

He was so excited to get his cake and balloons!
He had a multi theme party!
Cars, Superman, Trucks
anything boy!

Luke is a mellow little guy so we didn't want to overwhelm him.
The children played outside, ran errands with Daddy and then the big kids and Auntie Barb came over in the evening.

He loved the presents but wasn't so sure how to open them!

He did it very slowly and meticulously which then caused the cheering crowd to encourage him to "rip and tear"!

But he didn't listen to them and instead savored the moment!

Sam was every bit as happy as Luke was with Luke's new toys!

The three big boys get the children all riled up...

They are nothin but trouble!

Except when we need them to put a toys together!

Here's a joke for you-
How many Mulvahills does it take to put a playschool toy together?

A happy Momma holding her youngest little treasure!!

This is one happy birthday boy!

Finally Luke's turn for the traditional family birthday pic!

And the Happy Birthday Song!

Blowing out his candles!

Good Job Luke!
Happy Birthday to our 4 yr old!

Enjoy, sweet boy!

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