Sunday, October 21, 2012

Whatever Happened to . . . ?

I know...
 people come and go in the bloggy world.
Their lives, their interests and their needs change. So they decide not to blog any more or they take a break.

I have a couple blogs listed on my sidebar and would love to be updated on their families! I am hoping that you may know how they are doing? 

I will also be updating my sidebar and will be taking off any inactive blogs.
If you know anything about these families please let me know in the comment section!

1. How they are doing?

2. How are their adopted children are doing and their family?

3. What they are doing now?

4. If they have another blog I could follow or if I could get in touch with them to follow their private blog or be friends with them on FB?

5. And if they have any prayers requests!

Even though I have never met them I feel like they are old friends and would love to be updated!

Here is a short list of 
"whatever happened too?"

1.  April @ Our Party of Seven. 
Also known as 
Mei Meis and Mayhem
Last I heard their Ava was having open heart surgery.

2.  Nicole @ The Bakers Sweets
They had just brought home a little blessing from China but were still having challenges in their home.
Nicole always was honest- God bless her!
Challenges are a huge part of adopting.
I could easily identify with her and the many challenges.
I have continued to pray for them.

3.  Anita @ He Leads Us to Faith- Faith Walking to Caleb!
I loved this blog! They had older children and a daughter from China. When I started following her blog they were on their journey to Caleb.
He had a limb difference but he also had a smile that was so contagious!

4.  The Journey Continues...
This was Mandi's family. They have 4 treasures from China! Their last one was Kalia.
I am sure they are busy with everyday LIFE but I would love an update on them!

5. Cari at Wherever He Leads Us
She stopped blogging about 5 months ago but does FB I think?
How is Selah's transition going?
How is the rest of the family?

6. Pam at the The Byrd's Nest
She stopped blogging 4 months ago.

7.  Suzette @ Living By Faith

8. Forever n Always
They went private, I think?

9. Tanya @Acorns and Cherry Blossoms?
They adopted Khloe in 2010. She lives about an hour away from me but I haven't heard from her in quite awhile?

10. And how is Hezra @ Home in the Woods?
They added a group of three to their family and I am sure it must be very challenging.

Thank you for helping me find out about my long lost friends!

I hope you like our new blog look!

THANK YOU Katie for cleaning things up a bit and giving us a new clean crisp look!

One question? Are the bats driving you batty?
I like a more peaceful feel so the bats may be going!

Sorry our header pic is not real clear. It was taken with my point and shoot and then blown up. All our complete family photos that include Andrew and Caitlin were taken with my camera- oops!
I am definitely going to need to learn how to take better photos with my larger camera!

The pictures are from Homeschool Day at Sealife Adventures at the MOA!
We got in for $5 per person and they had many learning activities!
It was a great day!

God's Blessings to YOU!

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