Monday, October 15, 2012

More Great News!

We got a call on Friday night!
It was Matt and Caitlin calling to share some great news with us!!


And planning a 2013 summer wedding!

We are so excited for them and for us!

Congratulations Matt and Caitlin!

We are going to visit them in Colorado at the end of October and meet her parents (for the first time)!

Caitlin, Katie and Kelly (Billy's girlfriend)

Last summer was Katie and Andrew's wedding, Next summer is Matt and Caitlin's wedding!
Who knows what will happen in 2014!

Welcome to the family Caitlin!!
Andrew is child #14, Caitlin is #15
Mia is #16, Missy is #17 and Maddie is #18!

We just keep gettin bigger!

Praising God!!

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