Sunday, October 28, 2012

A weekend of UPS and DOWNS...

When I last left you we were jetting off to Denver to meet Caitlin's parents- Deb and Dan!

When I sat down in the plane I was next to a beautiful smiling young woman. I wondered right away... Okay God is this going to be a flight where I quietly pray and then do my sudoko puzzles OR do you have plans for me?

I took out my "Kisses from Katie" book and the conversation began... and only ended because the plane had landed...

Angie was marvelous and had a passion for Haiti!
She loves the Lord!
She had been on many mission trips to Haiti and is going back in February.

To be honest friends - MY ears are perked up and I am listening to the Lord.

I am feeling like HE has something to say to me... and I am waiting to hear from the Master!

On with the story-

As we walked up the steps to Matt and Caitlin's new home an energetic smiling woman came out the door and wrapped her arms around me, it was Caitlin's mom! Talk about an ice breaker!!
She was smiling from ear to ear and joy was all over her face! What a blessing to us- to have someone as happy as we are for this young couple!

Truly God is so good and so amazing!

The evening proceeded without a hitch! The 6 of us had a wonderful time and we were so grateful to God to have been able to meet Caitlin's parents and get to know them!

Deb and Dan were wonderful!
And what is even MORE wonderful is how happy Matt and Caitlin are!

Despite the rough start to the weekend we were amazed that we were even in Denver!

On Sunday hubby and I enjoyed a cup of coffee together and went for a drive.
It was so great to have a moment together! 

As we checked out of our hotel room and prepared to drive to Matt and Caitlin's home to spend the afternoon together and eat lunch we received a phone call...

It was not the kind of phone call parents want when they are out of town...

One of our sons fell victim to another young mans wrath and was on the wrong side of this persons fist...

We immediately called an older sibling to help him and get him to the ER. 
Reason #546 why I love having a big family. The other sibs banned together and came to the rescue.

Hubby and I were much to upset and concerned to stay in Colorado, so we needed to back out of the day's festivities and hop on a plane home.

The airlines were very accommodating- praise GOD!

Once again... GOD had a plan...
As I sat in my seat and took out my book, 
yep "Kisses from Kate" (will I ever be able to finish this book?), I saw my seat partners book...

The Bible

Of course I knew GOD HAD A PLAN!
In the midst of my/our turmoil the LORD sent someone to help us!
Seriously friends-

WE talked, read scripture, laughed and prayed together.


We are home now, our son is home, the siblings that live nearby are home and we are rallying around the one who is hurt both physically and emotionally. Raising his spirits and processing all that has happened.

He has a concussion, neck sprain and is badly bruised.

WE are praying over the situation and praying that those who are in charge will handle it appropriately.
This is an opportunity to guide young men in a Godly way...
We pray that the end result would give GLORY to GOD and healing to those that have been hurt.

Will you pray with us?

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