Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Photos!

Right after my last post we were blessed with pictures of Melissa!

Be still my heart!

I was beginning to feel like we would not recognize her when we saw her and that I was not bonding to her as much "from afar" because I had no idea what she looked like now...

Her pictures were a year and a half old, blurry and all of our attempts to get updated pics had been denied.

Well. . .
that problem is solved. 
We now have 7 lovely pics of our middle daughter! 

AND. . .
we are completely in love with her!

I can so see her in our family!

I can see her running, jumping, skipping and twirling with the others!

I can see her laughing, playing, and singing with them!

I can see her in her Momma and Babba's arms!

I can see her face peering over the kitchen counter!
and her skinny little body hopping into the bathtub!

I imagine looking back in the van and seeing her in her car seat!
And then later that evening she will draw us a picture, we will have to close our eyes while she counts to 10 (I know it's supposed to be 3) and ta da, she will show us her latest work of art!
Which will then be displayed on the refrigerator for all to see!

Praising GOD!!
For allowing us to raise these treasures!

Praying we can get to our new daughters as soon as possible!

We're coming sweet girl!!

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