Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Absolutely Amazing and Praising HIM!!

Today was a big day!

Abby had an abdominal ultrasound and a blood transfusion.

we met with her hematologist...

They have a DIAGNOSIS...

(mylodysplastic anemia syndrome)

Her official diagnosis is-
Congenital Siderblastic Anemia.

What does this mean?

It means so so much!

It means that the God of Gods, the King of Kings heard our prayers and petitions!
It means that he has moved mountains for our little girl!
It means that Abby does NOT have cancer!
It means that her condition will not progress and turn into Leukemia!
It means that we are not battling time in regards to her bone marrow transplant!

Abby was born with this condition. 
Her body is not able to utilize the iron she consumes through food and that her bone marrow is unable to produce healthy red blood cells that can carry oxygen in her blood.
Therefor she needs regular blood transfusions- every 3 weeks to maintain a healthy hemoglobin level.
And she needs chelating meds to get the iron from the transfusions that accumulate in her body(stored in her liver and spleen).

She could continue with this regiment for the rest of her life OR she could have a bone marrow transplant- which could cure her.

There are many risks with BMT and it is a long a difficult road- about 1-2 months of doctors, hospitals, feeling sick, losing her hair, prayer, blood tests and uncertainty. Then another 3-4 months of daily clinic visits, blood tests, restricted environment, and prayer.

Now that we have a diagnosis, we do not have to rush into the BMT. We can wait until her liver and spleen are healthier and her iron overload is down to a near normal level. We can continue to look for an even better donor match. 

We can take a breath and praise the Lord!

Abby's blood and bone marrow were sent to Boston Children's Hospital. 
We waited many months for the results to be determined.
We are so thankful for a diagnosis and we are so thankful that she does not have MDS!

We are praising God and doing the happy dance!!

We are in awe of HIM!

THANK YOU for your prayers!!
HE has heard them!
Please continue to keep her in your prayers she prepares for her future bone marrow transplant.


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