Saturday, October 6, 2012

And Who Said So?

They live in the mudroom and run the yard. They are very happy puppy dogs BUT sometimes...

They want IN!!
(to the rest of the house)

Most likely,
 they smelled what ever we were fixin for dinner 
 they were in need of a little more lovin!

The littles were all up at the counter watching these two inch their way into our home!
One of the children's shoes caused the gate to stay open...
It's happened before BUT the didn't try to
"JOIN US" when it happened until TODAY!

They looked at the children BUT they did not make eye contact with me!
wonder why?
Maybe, if they don't look at the alpha female, then she doesn't exist??

Until Sissy looked up and saw me...
then their progress halted... 
until they finally got what they were after!

Their Momma petted them and sent them back to their room!
And of course,
 they then received a ton of love for all the little children!

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