Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Personal Space?

Could someone please tell me WHAT that is?

Because we don't seem to have any of that around here!

We were celebrating Johnny's 19th Birthday and the guests were encroaching on his personal space!

Of course... he didn't mind!
They all loved every minute of it!

The children made him birthday cards!

Sam glued his card completely shut ;-)

Could they get any closer?

Happy Birthday Jahnny!
(he thought that was the funniest thing!)
Over half of the littles spelled his name wrong!

All the cards made up for the lack of gifts!

And of course every card needed to be explained!

Next year... he'll have 11 cards!!

It really wasn't a standing room only kind of party... They were plenty of seats available!

As you can see the other invited guest were having a really good time, too!

Happy Birthday Johnny!

At this very moment we were singing...
Everyone laughs when we sing!

Last year when Johnny blew out the candles all the littles did it before he could have a chance!
This year he was testing them! 
They did a good job and held back- Johnny got to blow out his own candles!

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