Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Fun!

A couple weeks ago the kids did some raking for us!

They had no intentions of bagging up the leaves!

Instead they had their own plan!

And it included having LOTS of fun with those leaves!

So they gathered as many as they could and then . . .

they spent the next half hour throwing them in the air and jumping around in them!

Even one of our puppy dogs got into it!

You can hardly see her! 
She is in the middle, buried in leaves!

I am trying to be a more fun Momma.

But of course when I saw this...
 "bath night" immediately came to mind!

On bath night, we divide bath duties and conquer the large task looming in front of us.

Sarah and Ellie can shower by themselves!

If Hubby is home he does the two little boys!

I do the three little girls (soon to be 5 little girls).

Jim, Sarah and I take turns washing Emma's hair. 
(Sarah actually likes to do it!)
Then I get Emma set up in the tub. She is learning to do most of the bath herself.
So thankful that she is making baby steps in the right direction!

Can I have your feedback regarding-
At what age can children shower by themselves? Just wondering your thoughts?

This is my favorite pic!
It makes me smile!

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