Friday, January 27, 2012

What really bothers me!

If you are around me please don't say the Lord's name in vain. In fact where ever you may be, please don't say the Lord's name unless you are praying to Him.

I find it so offensive when others say his name at inappropriate times. My body cringes and I immediately pray for them.

Our Lord is to be glorified, revered and praised. 
His name should never be used as a form of profanity, to make a point in a simple conversation or as an outlet for anger.

My second issue is when people say..."TRUST ME"

Oh my goodness, you are just human, why on earth would I put my trust in you? 

My trust is in the Lord!

I can believe you, I can hope that what you say is accurate, I can love you, I can like you, I can assume you will do the best you can do, I can think that you will follow through or that you may know what you are talking about

BUT trust you? 


My trust is in the Lord.

What do you say to people that say the Lord's name in vain?

I'm not a fast thinker but I would love to be able to say something that would gently but accurately let them know that it's not okay to say?

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