Thursday, January 26, 2012

So Long Stoma! Surgery is DONE!

When we arrived yesterday and it was all fun and games! Our own room, a cozy bed, flat screen TV, snacks and nice nurses helping us!

Oh and did I mention play doh, movies and puzzles!

Yep, Sammy thought he was on a vacation


they put that NG tube down his nose...

the mood, rightfully so, quickly changed...

If our little guy coulda found an exit, he woulda been outta here in a blink of an eye!

Thank goodness they had hospital BINGO on their station and Mista Sam won 2 games!
Yep, it was pretty fun!
We got bingo on our little cards and we called the hospital TV station up on the phone- his voice was on the TV and twice he announced to ALL the other patients watching 

They delivered his prize to our room!
He was thrilled and even forgot for a moment about his NG tube!

The tube came out later in the night!

At 7:00am this morning we headed to the OR!

At 7:45am Sammy and his two friends, Frankie and George (resting next to him) were waving goodbye to Mom and heading to surgery.

The colostomy closure went well (and so did the other little something we had done)!
His abdomen looks wonderful- I can't believe the stoma is gone!

The other procedure is causing him a bit of discomfort right now... if ya know what I mean!
FYI- it was not me (I'm proclaiming my innocence) that felt strongly about this but instead the men and boys of the family! 

And this picture that you see above is nothing but a very cute clock!!
How come I never see something like this in the stores??
Wouldn't that be cute in a little boys room?
It was also set at the wrong time...
Hello people! 
Daylight savings time ended quite a while ago!
So I fixed it!

And here is our patient!
The party is over- he does not like to be stuck in a bed feeling yucky and uncomfortable with wires and tubes coming out of every orifice! 
(BTW- they put another NG tube in- poor guy)

He will improve with each day and sometime mid next week we will head home!

Thank you Jesus for a successful surgery!

Praising HIM!

Thank you for your prayers!

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