Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Adjustment...

How are we doing? How is the adjustment going?

Well, considering we have added 6 new family members in the last 18 months...

We are doing remarkably well!
(BTW- the pics have nothing to do with the post!)

That doesn't mean we don't have our challenges...
because we do!

I originally thought Emma and Ellie were not threatened by the addition of two blessing,
I was wrong.

Ellie has exhibited some PTSD (post traumatic stress symptoms). Her sypmtoms are minor and usually she is just fine. Sometimes I will see a blank stare, unable to answer the simplest question (especially if it involves her doing something she is not supposed to do), her speech has gone backwards big time (she was speaking as if she had marbles in her mouth- we were so surprised). Sometimes her movements are very very slow. She will be fine soon and we  can already see improvement. (Praise God)

Emma has been a bit angry lately. It is directed at me. I can tell by the way she looks at me. She is feeling like everything is unfair and somehow she is getting the bad end of all of this- it couldn't be further from the truth. She feels this way in every area of her life- school, food, clothes, etc. It is just the way she is currently perceiving things.
I do understand and know in time things will be fine
but it has made it extra challenging. 
She has gone backwards on the progress she was making at school.
I feel like sometimes she is not even trying.
She is also giving me the completely blank look.
At times she has been defiant and will do exactly what we ask her NOT to do.

I signed the children up for a homeschool gym class but I did not put Emma in it. She is unable to move  fast and when things are happening quickly she freezes. Emma is forever 4 yrs old. She doesn't understand... that she does not understand (did ya get that!) She does not see that she is different. Others do and we made the decision for safety purposes. We also made the decision to allow Sarah and Ellie the freedom to do the things they can do!

Somehow we need to teach Emma that she is loved and valued just the way she is... I'm just not sure how to go about doing that BUT that is the goal.

Ava has shed more tears over minor things lately. 
I have made the mistake of calling Abby, Ava and Ava, Abby. BIG oops! I am sure this did not help Ava's adjustment.
Abby didn't notice a thing!

Sam has been a bit more rambunctious! He's been telling a few... untruths, lately!
He has been all about the competition and winning more than usual.
He seems to feel a little threatened. At the same time he is as gentle as can be to Luke. We can tell he is thrilled to have a little brother!

Last night the tears flowed, he finally broke down and allowed me to comfort him.
In the past when we he cried and we held him- he would cry even harder.
Seems to me this boy hasn't even been comforted when he was sad in the past.
I think he didn't even know how to handle it.
So when we comforted him it made him even more sad (because for 4.5 years no one comforted him).
I was so quietly happy that he held on to me tight and in time stopped crying!

Anna and Sarah seem to be doing great! Anna has really taken Abby under her wing! She loves having a sister her age and does not seem to be threatened by her at all... unless of course she likes her outfit better! The she may negotiate a trade with her non english speaking sister!

Our house was busy but fun over the holidays! Matt and his girlfriend Caitlin came from Colorado to visit for 4 days! They brought their doggy Mei Li!
The kids loved Mei Li!

Especially Luke- who has now overcome his love/ hate feelings for doggies- it's all love now!!

Everyone has gone home now. We loved having a houseful but it is nice to return to everyday life!
God has been so kind to give us a full everyday life!

We are back at school and attempting a routine!
I just about posted after our first day- HELP SOS!!
But thank the Lord each day is getting better and better!

Luke is a dream child! He is so mild mannered! He will repeat anything we ask him to say! He joins us for school then he plays puzzles, says hello to Sarah, plays legos, plays with shapes, colors, goes with me while I heat up my coffee and then back up the stairs, sits on my lap for awhile and then returns to playing legos - he is a JOY!

He currently has zero interest in potty training! I just bought 3 potty chairs to have all throughout the house and next we will be reading books on going potty in the big potty and maybe even some videos!

We are not going to rush the process just planting a seed right now!! ;-)

I thought this was so so creative! Roller blades on the horse! They needed 2 pair! It was Sarah's idea!! I love it!!
 Go horsey, go!

We are blessed to have these two in our family!
Matt and Caitlin! 
So happy they could come home and see us!!

We will continue to put one foot in front of the other and somehow find our "new normal"!
(I may have heard that was one of the most hated new terms of the new year!)

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