Saturday, January 14, 2012


I spent the last week getting all our appointments scheduled...
 and scheduled...
 and scheduled!

I made all the calls
and was put on hold
and was accidentally hung up on
and was told they would call me back (some didn't and some did)
and was told they don't do that procedure,
BUT then they called again and said now they do.
(should I be worried).
I was told there was an opening in April and then somehow we got a February appointment!

I put it in the hands of God and one by one they worked out.
It amazed me.
BUT why should it?
The King of Kings had it under control!

Between now and the beginning of March we are "booked"!
And there is even a little getaway in there for Hubby and I !!

I am thankful we are going to get some of this behind us while the weather is cold and we are tucked inside the house or in a waiting room or a hospital room or a clinic or or or!

Well... I guess it's just me that is tucked in the house!
The children love playing outside!
(Except Anna- she's inside with me!)

Winter has arrived and even the tiniest patch of snow or ice has them giggling!

This boy loves his dogs!! 
And they seem to love him, too!

I know- I just got the worst mother of the year award!
Not only are they both crying... I had the nerve to take a pic of them!

It's 15 degrees outside and these two took off their mittens and refused to put them back on...
they had to come inside ;-(

They got over it quickly and all is well now!
Nothing a tutu and a tea party couldn't solve!

I do like when it gets dark early and we can start bath time nice and early!
We have a bit of an assembly line approach - two in, two out, two in, two out!
And then every once in awhile we get side tracked and two lucky kids get to play longer in the tub!
(Luke still needs his bath)

It is so cozy to have cuddly clean kids in the evening!

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