Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Follow The Leader!

As each day goes by we continue to move in the right direction.

Both Abby and Luke are beginning to become so much a part of our family.

As a mom, I can tell, when I hug them they fit into my body. The awkwardness is leaving and with each day we are becoming mother and child/ father and child. It is a very nice feeling!

These days have come with some challenges and much prayer as appointment after appointment we move forward to figure out our children's health mysteries. Once again GOD does not disappoint - but instead guides us each step of the way!

Yesterday was exhausting... I brought Abby in for an ECHO, blood draw and an appointment with her hematologist (and possible transfusion). Each time we go she will most likely need a transfusion but we need to wait for the labs. They will not give her a transfusion unless is is completely necessary due to her iron overload. At this point we are figuring every 3 weeks.

After each appointment we went to - she was so happy... she thought she was done and she could return home.

AND then each time we made our way to a new office, her expression changed to sullen AND then serious. 

Once she found out she was having ANOTHER transfusion she cried and cried and cried. It was so so sad... 

Her cry was so full of hopelessness... 
My heart broke...

We had a interpreter this time and she was wonderful. She told us that Abby kept saying over and over again - "I just want to go home with Momma and Babba..."

The interpreter had tears in her eyes...

We were at the appointment from 1:00- 9:00 and when it was over we were completely emotionally exhausted...  WEll, let me rephrase that, I was exhausted and of course, Abby felt great after a transfusion!

Each time we go the Dr and her staff are wonderful BUT next time they ask me "What can we do for you?" 
 I will say, just get us "in and out" of here, asap!

I have been praying a lot lately- whether it is planned or unplanned, it is just happening ALL the time. 
God is so good and so kind, I know he is ALWAYS with us, through thick and thin.

For the last three nights, I have heard messages that were so right on- so from our heavenly FATHER.

Last night I prayed and the Lord said- "Follow the Leader"

Dear Friends... who do you follow? Do you follow God or your neighbors advice. Friends and neighbors are wonderful and often give great advice BUT please take your questions one step further, to HIM. 
HE will answer!

Is there an area in your life that you need clear direction on?

Is there a decision you need to make today?



Follow Your Leader!

He will lead you down paths of righteousness and peace! He will not disappoint! He will guide you every step of the way and NOT leave you!

The next morning, I woke up with peace. I know God has a plan and I need to put all my trust in HIM!


"So you see God is with us. He is your leader."
2 Chronicles 13:12

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