Friday, January 20, 2012

The Other Side of the Coin!

So Wednesday was Abby's Birthday!
Which made it a very happy day for Abby but not necessarily for everyone in the family!

You see when someone has a birthday... their is always someone else that doesn't have a birthday...

From day one they had been treated the same!

Every time she got something... he got it too!

So tell me why? this day was different?

It was all so unfair!

Well, except when he was successful blowing his party horn!

But that thrill soon wore off and once again he was left with a lousy paper party horn and she had gifts and balloons!?!

He put up with the gift opening but he finally could take no more after 
 he asked to use her new birthday markers and she said "NO".
And since it was her birthday the parents didn't make her share...

And she said it with a smile on her face?

Big sis Kate agrees... life is so UNFAIR...

We tried to explain that Katie, Sarah, Mom and Dad couldn't use them either...

But that didn't help a bit...

It's hard to see Superman down and out...

No amount of reasoning was gonna help...

No no no no, he said, when we tried to comfort him...

On top of all of that, his very loving BUT irritating Momma was taking pictures of him...

I'm sorry honey!
I couldn't help it!
You where just too cute!

Katie did tell me that he will get over the fact that it is Abby's birthday and not his BUT I may be scarring him for life with the photo shoot!

I'm sorry but isn't he just too precious!

He refuses to look at me!
Or anyone else for that matter!

So we reached into our bag of tricks and pulled out Penny!

She's usually good for a smile or two!

But he waived her off, too.
No thank you!

He thought-
I refuse to smile, be happy or play with a cute little puppy on such a day as today!

Then he began to rethink the situation...
Well, she is kinda cute and fluffy?

And then after little tickle from his sissy Sarah!
He couldn't be sad any longer...

Just as this was happening we announced it was birthday cake time!

Once again Superman was his chipper self and he happily joined in the festivities!

With a belly full of Chinese food and Chocolate cake and ice cream
AND the birthday just about over
Superman cuddled in with Daddy!

And all was well in his little world...

Until the next birthday, which in this family happens a lot!

You see there is a problem...

Luke's birthday is November 18th.

We just missed having him home for his birthday and now he will have to suffer through everyone else's special and (gag) glorious birthday...

Awww, sweetie, we are so sorry!
 Mommy will try not to have a photo shoot of you every time!
Just don't be so darn cute, okay!

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