Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Takedown! And Abby and Luke Update!

Once we got home with Abby and Luke the thought of flying to Cincy and having Sam's colostomy take down was over whelming.
So we made the decision to have it done here at home and it just so happened to be schedules for the exact same dates!
We will be admitted on January 25th (Wednesday) and have surgery on the 26th!

Caring for a child with a colostomy has been relatively easy.
Taking care of Sam has been a complete JOY!
A child is so much more than their diagnosis and just having Sam in our family makes it so obvious to all of us! We are so thankful we were not scared away by the name of his diagnosis - Imperforate Anus or Anal Atresia.

I don't think Sam completely understands what is going to happen this week. I have explained it to him but I think it is just too much for him to wrap his head around. He has never known not having his colostomy.

While he was in China we got an email from our agency. It said he was scheduled to have surgery in China and wondered if we wanted all of this done before getting him or if we wanted it done in America.
Although I was slightly tempted to say yes we had been advised to have it repaired at home, if possible. So we quickly emailed back STOP- we will have it done in America!!

We are thankful they listened and did not proceed with the surgery.
Not only would his repair be better done in the USA BUT I am so thankful we can be with him to comfort him and help him through the struggles that are ahead of us.

We may be in the hospital for up to one week, although we are hoping the time is shorter.

It will take time for him to be bowel continent and their are no guarantees. It may take months, it may take years but we will just deal with it as it comes. I am thankful this is happening in the winter so by the time summer rolls around we will know his situation better, hopefully have a routine and have lots of fun outside and in the pool!

Please pray for Sam!
For a successful surgery, that it is all done correctly, no complications, that he heals well and that he is able to adjust to his new situation!

Thank you!

And now onto these two darlings!

This morning Luke had his CT scan.
It went well and the rumor is that his blockage isn't as bad as they thought it was. We should get the official report on Friday.
Hoping the rumor is true!
His heart did great throughout the whole procedure!!
Thank you Jesus!!

Abby had her MRI today. She also did very well! 
When she saw the interpreter and everyone looking at her she started to cry but then we took out the Ipad and she forgot all about her concerns.
They said her heart looked great! Which means her iron overload has not affected her heart muscle BUT her liver is another story...
It's huge and it lit up like a Christmas Tree when they did the MRI of the heart. (I think they took a peek at her liver while doing the heart.)
She will have a liver MRI in a couple weeks.
Once again this is rumor and we will get the official report on Friday.

We left sooner than planned which is always nice!!

We are home now and preparing for tomorrow!
Thank you Jesus!!

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