Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

We celebrated last Sunday with our Families with Children from China Playgroup!
The children were so excited to see their friends, go to a party and wear their chinese silks!!

As we looked for the outfits we realized we had forgotten a package of 4 traditional outfits while we were in China. What a bummer! One was a gift for a friend, the other was Luke's handsome navy blue outfit, Abby's new red outfit and a beautiful violet dress for Ava (because I figured she had grown a bit since we bought her outfit in China last March).
So if anyone knows how to get a hold of Jordan in the island, please let me know!!
Maybe someone else could bring it back with them??? 
Hmmmm?? Not a bad idea?

After pics at home we headed to the party!
I didn't take pics there- we were always busy or visiting!

The children did a dragon face craft. colored new year pics, ate great food (pot luck) and then played in a huge maze!
At first Abby and Luke were a little overwhelmed but soon the were running around like the other children!!

It was so much fun and we were able to visit with wonderful families!

Until the new year party turned into a poop party for our family!

I remembered many things except, an extra diaper, an extra outfit and colostomy supplies.
Silly me, what was I thinking!

Poor dear Abby had a blowout and didn't make it to the bathroom and once she did... well... poop was every where! ;-)
Daddy did such a good job cleaning it up BUT her pink tutu was MIA(missing in action) when we left!

He had so much fun and was his active self - his bag started leaking and when that happens without extra supplies... it's time to go!

Baa Humbug!
Every time I take a pic and say "look at me" he usually turns his head! 
He is such a funny guy!

Much, much better!!
And he had a poopy diaper so...
it was eazel dreazel drazzel drone...
time for this family to go HOME!

BTW, how do you get those silks clean?
I forgot the bib, sippy cup, etc!

Your probably wondering right now?
If I forgot all that...
 what did I remember?

The children and the food!!

(Sammy update next!)

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