Sunday, January 15, 2012

30 Years!

Monday, January 16th is our 30 yr anniversary!
I can't believe it has been 30 years!
It has gone by too fast!
(We celebrated on the 14th- that's when the sitter could come! When your parents of many - you do what ya gotta do!)

We never give each other gifts. We usually just enjoy the day together!

This year hubby surprised me!

I was so so excited!
Thank you, honey!

You are the best husband and father in the world!
(You're probably thinking, no he's not, mine is! Okay then, they're tied for the best!)

 After our second date, I knew he was the one! 
I had prayed about it and put it in God's hands.
HE knew my heart and the road that was ahead. 
I am so thankful that our dear Lord picked me to be his wife!

Lovin my hubby and feeling blessed!

Ava was quite concerned and said to me-
ahh, Mom? Do you have a gift for Dad?
No honey, I don't.
She looked at me like wow- huge mistake, social faux paux, how awkward and said-
Maybe next year, huh Mom?

Good idea honey- next year!

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