Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Trees are Down!

The trees are finally down and boy what a difference it made! You can actually see our house from the street and the street from our house. I have gotten so many compliments from neighbors about how much larger our yard looks now and how great it looks. Yay for curb appeal!

Below are some pictures of the men at work. Look how tiny the guy up in the tree is compared to the size of it. (I took this picture from inside because I didn't want to get too close!)

Here he is lowering a branch onto the ground. Again - look at the size of the branch compared to the house right behind it.

And finally, ginding the stumps. The one in front took about an hour to do!

And this is what is left from some of the side trees.

Now the challenge will be getting rid of all the mulch and filling up the holes that will be left after that. For now I put a post on craigslist offering free mulch, but because of the season I'm not sure if we'll get any takers. Once that is taken care of, I will need to fill the holes with soil and plant grass. From what I've read, spring and fall are the best seasons to plant grass, so I will wait until the end of March to do that, but in the meantime I will work on just leveling out the ground.

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