Monday, February 18, 2013

Winters in Minnesota!

 This winter has been abundantly beautiful!

For awhile there I was not a fan of this season.

I wanted nothing to do with it.

And we had big plans for leaving it behind and heading to the south during this time of year.

Although, I miss the Florida beach, I have gained a new respect and love for the Minnesota winters.
(truly only God could have done this!)

It is a wonderful time to get lots of homeschooling done!

It is very cozy inside our home with our treasures!

It is beyond beautiful! God is so amazing- his creation takes my breath away!

The children LOVE the seasons!
(Although Madeline isn't so sure! She is from southern China!)

The best part of all is seeing the children go out and play!

Everyday they play outside!

They are all singing a Chinese song and playing a game like our duck, duck, goose!

How can I not love it when I see them loving it!

And... if they are all outside having fun...
then I get a moment alone...
 inside the house!

 This is when I sneak a little chocolate and get some things done!
(and maybe play on my computer)

Of course, I still would love to be walking the beach with this crew and splashing in the pool...
BUT, for now it is not meant to be...

So, I will just praise GOD wherever we are!

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