Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Our son, Mark is very involved in Be The Match. It seemed to be a natural fit for him since his little sister is in need of a MATCH!

There are caucasian donors BUT there is a desperate need for minority donors.
The process is so easy and it is not painful.
Most importantly it can save a life!

While we were in China Mark brought Abby to a filming session with the U of Mn football team.
She was a little scared through the video but she did well!
Here is the link!

They are having a BE THE MATCH registry at the U of MN tomorrow- 2/13 and 2/14
If you live in the MPLS, MN area PLEASE consider attending!
Check out the flyer (link below) for more information!

Be The Match (National Bone Marrow Registry) works nationally and internationally to match donors with those in need of a life saving bone marrow transplant. Signing up to the registry is free, but costs the organization $100 per person. We are fundraising to help with the costs of registration, donation, etc. 

If you are interested in donating please let us know!
We will match all donations given in Abby's name! (up to $100.00 each)
It will be like giving double!

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