Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

We frosted cookies for Valentines Day! 

All the children loved doing it!!

Sugar, sugar and more sugar!

Mia, Melissa and Madeline went to the dentist today...

And they had cavities, cavities, and more cavities!
Go figure!

Little Madeline has an abscessed tooth- poor thing...
I can't imagine living with that- with no hope of it getting fixed.
And I thought Madeline's teeth looked the best of the three...
What was I thinking?
She needs 7 crowns and an extraction...
She will be second only to our Luke- who has 8 crowns!
I should have been a dentist!

Mia has 3 cavities, an extraction and sealants.
Melissa as 4 cavities and an extraction. Plus 2 more in her front teeth -that we will not deal with because they should fall out soon!

Despite our grim dental news we still thoroughly enjoyed our decorated sugar cookies!

We ended the feast with pink teeth and happy smiles!

Even though all the children cannot sit at the counter they can all work at the counter!

The five oldest children have moved the the table for meal time!
AND we have had to reassign seats ;-)
It seems Mia has been eating her food and... well, sharing Emma's food too ;-)
Emma just smiles and doesn't quite know how to tell her new sister NO!

Mia is now on the far side of Sarah!
Sarah has no intentions of sharing her food with Mia!
(FYI Mia is getting plenty of food)
She has just been using her previous survival skills from the orphanage and has scoped out who she can get what she wants from- and they are Emma, Ellie, Abby and Luke.
However saying no and sticking up for oneself is a skill. So we will be working with the children on gaining the skill of saying NO!

Happy Valentines Day!!

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