Saturday, February 2, 2013

There's No Place Like Home!

The hardest part about leaving China was saying good bye to Katie. 

Our flight home was the easiest ever! We left GZ at 9:30 and flew to LA.  
the children watched movies, played with their leapfrogs and then slept!

We had a hotel room in Los Angeles. Ate and slept... well some of us did! The children were in the adjoining room and two hours of sleep was all they needed! They were excited and awake buy 12:57am (According to Jim- hey, I think that was a TV show!) 
Hubby went in there repeatedly and told them to go back to bed... of course he told them in English AND they speak Chinese!
; - )

I actually slept just fine for the 5 hours BUT kept having a recurring dream of cute little Chinese girls giggling!

Our morning wake up call came at 3:30am and we were on the shuttle by 4:15am!

The plane ride home was uneventful and yet wonderful! 
God so looked out after us and calmed all my concerns!

Johnny and Mark where there in our van to pick us up!

Once home we were greeted by American flags and excited children wearing red, white and blue!

They showed "the new girls", as that is what they are called, their new digs!

They seemed to like their new home and we saw many smiles as they checked things out!

 It was so wonderful to see our children! We really missed them.
They did very well with our sitter- we are so thankful!
They were so happy to see us!

We took a family pics of those of us that were home!
Keep in mind that we are very jet lagged!

After a couple hours inside they asked to go outside!
So we dressed them in their snow gear and out they went!

It is just so amazing seeing them play with our other children!
All three girls did great!
Mia is in the orange/ coral color!
She smiled the whole time!

The there newbies mixed in well with the other children, they did not just hang together. I was very happy to see that!

It was only 5 degrees outside...
and they were out for about an hour!
I finally called them in- I don't want any one to get frost bit.

I have a lot of pics here- so sorry!

Both Melissa and Madeline come from Southern Provinces.
So snow is completely new to them!
Mia's province would only get a dusting of snow.
She was so excited to get out and PLAY!

Here is Ava pulling Melissa in the sled!

Luke and Madeline went down the slide together!

Sam, Anna and Melissa building a snow fort!
It was a hoot to watch!
They would run down the hill chasing the very large snow balls and then roll them back up the hill!

When they took a break from their work they would sled down the hill!

Sister helping sister get her mitten back on!

Mia's turn to go sliding!

I am loving how they are all mixing in- I was concerned with three that they might stick together- they did not! They just blended in with the kid at home!

Mia has ben completely content! She seems very happy and seems to be pecful with what she knows of her new life. She tries to be helpful with the younger kids and she is obedient.

10 of our 11 kiddos!
Guessing Luke is still on the swing set!

She is smiling and that warms my heart!

Emma pushing Luke on the swing!
The children are going to love the trampoline in the spring!
How do I know that? Because they loved jumping on the beds in China!
FYI- there is no jumping on the beds in my house...

We had Chinese take out for dinner. Some liked it, others... not so much. It will take a while for the kids to get used to the new foods.
After dinner they watched a little TV(Goat and Wolf) and relaxed.

It is so wonderful to see these girls AT HOME!

Madeline didn't make it to TV- she got jammies on and went to bed!
Mia, Sarah and Melissa made it another hour and then they snuggled in for the night!

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