Friday, February 8, 2013

First Week Home!

The children are all playing together. There are no favorites, usually Sarah is a favorite but we are not seeing it this time. They are also very kind to Emma who has a significant cognitive delay.

The children met another brother yesterday! Ge ge Billy! They liked him right away! I guess Melissa refers to him as the brother without any hair ;-) 
Sorry Billy! You might want to grow it a little!

All three are beginning to say a few English words and they now know their siblings names!
Such as- okay, yes, no, thank you, bless you (when someone sneezes), apple, banana, orange, etc!

One of the first mornings Anna walks into our room at 5:30am and said
"there's a party going on in their" (referring to her bedroom)!

We have muddled our way through 2 days of home school. It went fine but there's lots of room for improvement! We are working on colors, numbers 1-10, songs and finger play and simple books with the new children. Madeline is more like a preschooler so she plays with Luke for part of the time. Melissa and Mia are doing simple addition- I am just trying to see where they are at with their math skills.

We have already had a few toys broken, a shade broken, milk spilled 4 times and been locked out of the house!
Thank goodness our sitter had her key so we could get back in!

God Bless these sweet sweet treasures!

All the new children love Luke! Especially Mia and Melissa! They always want to help him!

Mia has many many orphanage behaviors that we will be working on! She is a sweet girl so we will gradually correct them. The children have already said to her "Chew your mouth quieter"!
She gets it and does it right away.
Her adjustment continues to go very well!

Hoping the Lil Tikes Jungle Gym can withstand our crew!!
We had one of these when our bigs were little and they LOVED it!
When Anna was home only a couple days I went to a church rummage sale, stood in line from 5:00am- 7am until they opened, ran straight to it and still practically had to wrestle a few other woman over it!
They don't make them anymore but there a some used ones out there! 
If you have littles and can get your hands on one of these we highly recommend them!
(It's the larger one- not the toddler size)
They can be used outside or inside!

Our basement playroom is being used more and more now!

All horns, whistles and loud toys have somehow disappeared from the premises!
And their location is only for me to know!

I will be posting soon regarding Mia's age???
We have some info but are gathering more!

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