Monday, February 11, 2013

Our Weekend!

This weekend was quite gloomy. Rain, snow, sleet, rain, snow sleet and no sun in site...
So we sat down and started to plan a trip to Florida, only...
We don't have a vehicle big enough for all of us...
There is no place for us to stay...
Hubby can't take the time off work...
Oh my, reality is tough!

We went out to dinner Saturday evening after church to celebrate Chinese New Years (sorry no pics).
Church was wonderful and all the kids did so great! Except every time we had to stand Mia would turn to put her jacket back on and we would say "not yet honey", "not yet honey", "not yet honey"!

They loved the Chinese food. We were all seated around the table and waiting for Billy to join us! He came in and sat down... and said "ummm Mom, did you mean to leave your car running?"

Oh ugh... no... I thought I was over jet lag but maybe not?
; - )

Sammy has two sets of bottom teeth- the first set never fell out.
He was so bummed because he wanted to loose a tooth and have the tooth fairy come.
With some wiggling and a little help from Mom the tooth finally came out!
Very exciting moment at our house!

 The weather was so bad we didn't know if we could venture out.
Thankfully by 2:00 things started to look better and we went to the Mall of America!

Children's Hospital was having a special event there and the rides were FREE!

What a great way to liven up a dreary day!

The children had a blast!

It was not crowded because of the weather!
(Emma likes the more tame rides!)

Sarah, Mia, Ellie and Ava went on the big roller coaster and had a BLAST!
I couldn't get pics but they all were laughing and smiling from ear to ear!

Luke needed an adult with him- lucky Daddy!

This ride was a huge hit with the bigger kids, Ava and Sam!

I love the merry go round!

With our treasures!

Mia loved every minute of it!
In this pic she looks so reserved... if only I would have captured her true smile!
I'm just not that good of a photographer!
Where's big sis Katie when ya need her!?!

(she is going to get a hair trim soon- what should we do with the bangs? Any thoughts? let me know in the comment section. I am thinking about cutting her bangs so we can see her face while she is adjusting and then later when she speaks English letting her grow them out. We have already had a friend talk to her in Chinese about getting her hair trimmed and she is good with it! )

You're never too old for the merry go round!

Sweet Madeline is riding a pig... 
Oh, and Melissa is riding a rabbit...
I have a definite preference towards a horsey!

They had a complimentary dinner too (catered by CRAVE)!
The kids went back for 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and then we had to stop them!

After dinner was the ferris wheel! 
It was just so much fun for everyone!
And we were so very high up!

These 4 were together and Daddy had Anna, Luke and Abby with him!
I love how Ellie is hanging onto Emma!

The weekend was salvaged in a BIG way and we all had fun, fun, fun despite the weather!

God is so good and SO amazing!

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