Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mia. . . So How Old Is She?

Before I even start this post I have to share with you how GOD is moving mountains!

I am almost speechless... thank goodness it's only "almost" because you don't want to miss out on this!

Things have been going in the right direction with Mia but it's been baby steps. 
as a cautious Momma I want to be sure she is not pulling the wool over my eyes and doing what she needs just to do to get what she wants- so I am hyper-vigilent when it comes to our daughter Mia.

The smiles have been increasing!
The hugs have been more comfortable.
All good news!

Mia has been in our room for the last week.
The first night we had her sleep with us... it was heartbreaking. She silently cried 3 times throughout the night. The rest of the time she laid motionless and scared to death to even move. 

After that we had little ones (Anna, Ava and then Abby- each a different night) sleep with us and Mia slept on her mattress on the floor. We wanted her to see that children actually want sleep with their parents and she does not need to be afraid.
The next night hubby was out of town and Sarah slept with me. Mia slept on her mattress on the floor.
So far so good!

When Hubby came home from out of town Mia was not so fond of him so we felt that she needed to be back with us.
It actually went well because she cuddled with me all night long!

The following night she cuddled with Daddy. To the point that her head was on his shoulder and she was sucking her thumb!

Oh, God bless this sweet little big girl!

Are you sitting down?
If not, please do so!

Tonight she said to both Daddy and I... 

individually and accompanied by a genuine smile...


in the sweetest, broken English you could EVER imagine!

I am on cloud nine!
(hubby is on the couch snoozing- he was on cloud nine- now he is on some other cloud!)

I know, 
I know, 
I have to share with you all what we have found out about Mia's age-

 so here goes!

Mia's BD is supposedly 10/14/2001. Which makes her 11 years and 4 months old.

She had a bone density test came out as 8 yrs 10 months...
That surprised us... I did not think it would come out so young...

The scale is plus or minus 11 months. Which means she is somewhere between 9 yr 9 mos and
7 yrs 11 months according to bone age.

This week she went to the dentist. 
His best guess, based on her teeth is that she is around 10 years old.

Mia's finding add was in 2007. We have not received any documentation of her prior to 2007.
We feel that she probably was NOT found at one day old as stated on her referral (since EVERYONE from that orphanage seemed to have been found at one day old) but instead was abandoned sometime in 2006 or 2007.

So... how old do you think our daughter is? Give me your best guess? 
What would you do? 
Can you give me a potential birthdate and why?

She is 4 ft 4 inches and 60 lbs.. 
Well below the growth charts for Chinese children her age.
(Which is smaller than American children.) 

We are praying and talking about it now.
We would love your input!

(All pics are old... hey, we are trying to bond... I can't smash a camera in her face all the time!
I gotta be happy with what I can get...
BUT after this bonding phase is over and we have accomplished what we need to do...
look out Mia and say CHEESE- Momma's got her camera!)

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