Monday, February 25, 2013

Empowered to Connect AND Haircuts!

I will be working on more answers to questions but just wanted to take a short break and ask if anyone is planning on going to Empowered to Connect in Chicago?

I really want to go! Hubby will stay home with the children but I think I am going to move forward and make my plans. I would LOVE to meet some of you there if you are going!

Please leave a comment and lets try to connect (kind of a pun!)

I also am saving two of the questions and have a post dedicated to each of those questions. They are "Adopting HIV" and "multiple adoptions/is your home turning into an orphanage".
Interesting, but I had no idea when I began thinking of going to "Empowered to Connect" I had no idea they actually spoke on this subject.

Today I took all the kids to get their hair trimmed!
Madeline just got a little off the bottom and ends.
Trying to get it into a little bob!

Melissa has layers and a natural wave. We just trimmed up the edges and layers!

Mia needed 2-3 inches off to get it even. We have decided to grow out the bangs. I love it both ways but she prefers to grow them out!

Ellie got 3 plus inches off- it was just to dry and unhealthy at the bottom.
(yes, I know her bangs are a bit short but they will grow ; - )

Sweet Emma has a ton of gorgeous hair BUT it is very hard for her to take care of... which means it's a challenge for me too. So we took off 3-4 inches to make it healthy and easier to deal with.

Everyone comments on how well behaved the children are!
I am so thankful for that because it enables us (me and the children) to go out and do things like this!

It wasn't until the very end that I pulled out the iPad!

And here is the finished product!!
Sam and Luke got a haircut this weekend!
They love the TLC and are so happy with their haircuts!

And the back view!
How did I get these pics ?
I told them they couldn't go outside until Mommy got her pictures!

After that it was stampede to the mudroom for their snow gear!

I will answer more of the questions in the next post!

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