Thursday, February 21, 2013

Time for a Q and A!

I don't think I have ever done a Q and A before but there's no better time to do it than the present!

So here goes!

You ask in the comment section and I will post the answers in the next post!

Here is a pic from China! These are our children in the back of the bus!
One of the other Mom's took the pic and sent it to me!

And while we wait for your questions, I will let you know what we have been up to!

Dr appts,

Dr appointments,

and more 

Dr appointments!

Madeline had an extraction and a crown- she did very well and we are so thankful because she needs a lot more dental work and we were hoping to avoid the general anesthesia route! 
So far, so good! Keep praying!

Mia and Ellie sharing the ipad and a chair while waiting at one of our many Dr appts!

Mia is still in our room and rotates between her mattress and sleeping with us. She rotates with Madeline and Melissa.

Madeline announced to the other children... in Chinese of course, that she does not plan to learn English because it is too hard...
We did just find out today that she loves sitting on laps and having books read to her... in English.
I plan to use this new information in my counter attack for learning ENGLISH!

Melissa seems to know more than she lets on. She knows most of her colors and other phrases but still speaks mostly Chinese. I am guessing she is stashing the English inside and will one day just speak it!

 The kids love to play war with the cards... we have some competitive children and...
cheating is not out of the question.
They do what they have to do to WIN.
We are working with them on some of these unpleasant characteristics!

Abby is doing really good with her chelations and in a couple months will be done with the backpacks and her desferral- YAY GOD!! We will still have to do her special morning exjade as long as she has transfusions but she will only be on maintenance! This is really good news! 

It has been a marathon week but we are done for now and ready to hunker down during the snowstorm! It is supposed to start in the middle of the night and continue through the day, although now much of it may miss us- whatever comes our way, I am ready!

In the weeks to come we will also have more follow up appointments to the recent appointments.

I now have a 3 inch, 3 ring binder with color coded tabs for all the children. 
It has all our medical information in it!
With so many Dr's and so many needs-
I needed to be more organized!
And now I am!

Personally, I am quite excited about my three ring binder!!

Blessing to you!
Have a great weekend!

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