Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sea World!

Our last full day was spent at Sea World!
It was the warmest day of the week.

Because we were a MAke A Wish family the children got the front row!
They knew what they were in for and wanted to sit in the soak zone!
Hubby and I chose not to- nothing like wet underwear ruining a great day...

The whales were awesome and put on a great show!

They are so majestic!

God has really out done himself!

I was mesmerized by these beautiful creatures!
The children were thrilled with the show!


And when the show was over 11 soaked children returned to us!
All with happy smiles on their faces!

Everyday this is what I look at and I count to 11!
Partnering up has been really good- they change partners almost everyday.

The seals show was so funny!

Such cute animals!
They'll do anything for a fish!

Isn't this guy huge!
Oh My Goodness!

We ate at the underground shark restaurant.
At the end of the table and along all the walls are aquariums with sharks swimming around us!

Our waiter didn't seem too thrilled to "get our table".
When we go to a restaurants we really know how to streamline things.
Ordering for 11 children is a breeze!
The children all stayed in their seats, colored, visited and watched the sharks.

We visited for a short while with our waiter. When we left he said to us-
I felt like something was going to happen today when I left for work. I needed to be inspired.
Your family has done that for me- thank you!
He was so nice and was really speaking from his heart.
It felt good to have someone speak so kindly to us.

The day was wonderful and one of our last stops was feeding the dolphins!
They seem to have a permanent smile on the faces!

This was so fun for the children. They all love dolphins!

You have to hide the white tray or the dolphins will jump at you. A couple of our girls didn't understand the directions so the dolphins jumped- it was quite a surprise!

What an amazing experience!

Ava is so good with animals!
Very calm and tender with them.

Everyone got to touch them too!

Emma fed the dolphins but she wasn't so sure she liked them that close to her!

Yay Sammy!

These three went on the extra scary rides- Manta and Kraken!

Last stop was to see the turtles (my least favorite show- it was 3D and made me dizzy).

Missed picking up our official Sea World pic- so here is my version!

Time to go back to our place and get a few last minute things done!

All of the Make A Wish children get their very own star!

First she decorated it.

 With her name on it.

Then they put it in a magic box and the star fairy takes it and places it in the sky!
We have the exact location of Abby's star!

Tomorrow we pack up and head home!

(I was a little behind on posts so I have been done 2 per day on some of the days! Look below if you would like to read them!)

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